5 modelos de negocios para llegar a tu target

5 business models to reach your target

E-commerce is a term that encompasses any transaction made through digital channels (from credit card cancellations to the popular digital wallets) to acquire a product or service through an online store.
eCommerce: Los costes impulsarán las relaciones con clientes.

eCommerce: Costs will drive customer relationships.

Currently we find ourselves in a world where there are more and more opportunities in the e-commerce space , in past times there had not been so much competition.
Conversatorio sobre eCommerce y omnicanalidad

Conversation on eCommerce and omnichannel

Last Wednesday, September 14Alvaro Lafee, our president of LogosCorp, was a guest ofWilbert Moreno, CEO of CeleriTech in a Instagram Live where both covered very interesting data and statistics about eCommerce and omnichannel.